Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Can you have the prophetic blessing? What is the prophetic blessing? Can it be passed from generation to generation? Is the prophetic blessing only for the Jews and Israel? If you can have it then how do you get it?

John Hagee answers these questions and many more in his book The Power of the Prophetic Blessing, An Astonishing revelation For A New Generation.


The Power of the Prophetic Blessing starts with the first blessing given to humanity recorded in the Bible. It then proceeds to the blessing given by God to Abram. Then comes the blessing given by Isaac to Jacob. The book then leads us to the command of God to Moses concerning the priestly blessing, "This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel."

It is the three promises of this priestly blessing which lay the foundation of the prophetic blessing and its application to you and I. Author John Hagee clearly details the power of the prophetic blessing and how we can apply it to our lives and to the generations to come.


This is my first review of a John Hagee book. I am thrilled at the opportunity to do so. John Hagee writes with a fluid style, each concept flowing clearly and cleanly into the next. This makes The Power of the Prophetic Blessing easy to read.

The author goes into great detail in presenting the prophetic blessings of Jesus given in the sermon on the mount. We know them as the beatitudes. John Hagee titles these eight prophetic blessings of Jesus as The Secrets of the Good Life. The case in made soundly for the scriptural basis for the prophetic blessing and the command we have to pass it on.

I must say this book has touched my life and it will touch the lives of my children and my grandchildren. It is one thing to be a hearer of the Word, and another to do the Word. The Power of the Prophetic Blessing is biblically based and in order for the blessing to transform our lives, we must believe it, receive it, and do it.


The Power of the Prophetic Blessing is real. John Hagee does an excellent job explaining it and detailing the need of humanity to receive it and pass it to the next generation.

I highly recommend The Power of the Prophetic Blessing to anyone desiring to know more about it and how to apply it to life.

I received this book free from Handlebar Marketing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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