Monday, September 10, 2012

The Journey by Jason Anderson; A Review

It is said that living the Christian life is a journey. It is said that the Christian life can be a roller coaster ride with ups and downs, highs and lows.

The title, The Journey, intrigued me as I pulled this book from the shelf at my local public library. I read the description of the author, Jason Anderson, and decided to check out the book.

I like to go straight to the introduction, or preface, of a book when I start reading a book. This one makes a huge promise. It says it's not just a book about embracing positive change but it's a book about direction and a destination, a journey. Not any journey mind you, but my journey.

Anyone offering to enlighten me about the direction and destination of my life is making a huge promise. Does The Journey live up to it?


The Journey is about exodus, breaking free from the captivity of sin and embarking on a trip to a land of promise, a land flowing with milk and honey. It's about crossing a wilderness of education, coming to know who God is.

Jason Anderson takes the biblical encounter of the exodus of Israel from Egypt and does an excellent job of paralleling it to our journey from sin to the promise of rest. He expounds on the trip through the wilderness and the traps one will face. He gets you into the promised land and what is expected of you to dwell there. And lastly, the author deals with the much-desired rest.


This is a fascinating book about a fascinating subject. Jason Anderson goes into tremendous detail describing each phase of the journey which is the Christian life. Many books dealing with Christian living can be "cut and dry." This one is full of humor! Because each concept builds upon the previous one it could be said that this book is a journey in itself.

I found The Journey enjoyable to read. The author presents a lot of information in a language and a tone which is easy to understand. I appreciate the author stating the views he presents are his views and he calls them his opinions. I found the parallels the author makes to be interesting and thought provoking. I was pleased that Jason Anderson takes and makes a solid case for feasting on the Word.


It's my opinion this book does keep its promise to help me to understand my journey from sin to salvation, from earth to glory. While I don't agree with everything in the book, it does open the door of thought as to where I am and where I want to go. It also opens the door of thought as to what may have gone wrong, a wrong turn, a hill to high, and how to find the way back to the right path and conquer the mountains. I don't want to rate it 4 out of 5 but it is better than 3.5 stars, so let's call it 3.95 stars.

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