Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blessed Is He Whose Sins Are Covered

Psalm 32 is a chapter of Scripture loaded with truth and promise. A tremendous amount of wealth is contained within the prose of the psalmist. Verse 1 is a powerful opening to this great chapter of the Word.

"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered (Ps. 32:1 KJV)."

The word blessed used here means happy, or how happy, as an exclamation of great joy. Transgression is moral rebellion, or sin. The word used for forgiven literally means to lift. The Hebrew word used for covered means to cover for secrecy. To paraphrase Psalm 32:1, "How happy is the one whose moral rebellion is lifted, whose sin is covered for secrecy."

The Christian who knows his or her sins are covered in secrecy by God should be experiencing tremendous joy. We're entering into the Easter, or Passover, season. "For God so loved the world, that he gave (Jn. 3:16 KJV)." Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became the Passover Lamb when he was sacrificed once and for all for sin at Calvary.

As the Israelites placed the blood of passover lamb on the door posts of their homes in Egypt, we too should place the blood of our Passover Lamb on the door posts of our hearts. Only with the blood of Jesus Christ covering our sins to secrecy will the judgment of Almighty God pass over us.

Christians rejoice! How happy are the ones whose moral rebellion is lifted! How happy are the ones whose sin is covered by the blood of the Lamb! How happy are the ones who look forward to the day when they will stand before the throne of God forgiven! How happy are the ones who know they will spend eternity with the Creator, the one who gave all so we could live! God bless...

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